Saturday, October 11, 2008

The US ‘Lipstick’ Election 2008

It may sound odd, but “lipstick” is bound to become one of the most remarkable words in America’s 2008 general election.

Before the introduction of lipstick a month ago, the GOP’s presidential candidate, John McCain, was an underdog, struggling hopelessly behind Barack Obama, the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party.

But lipstick changed all that. Now it is a new ball game.

McCain shocked his own party and the country on Aug. 29, by announcing his top choice for the vice presidency — governor of Alaska, 44-year-old Sarah Palin. The choice was outright criticized as a joke and an insult to women, because the nominee was practically unknown and inexperienced in national, foreign, and security affairs. Rumors of all kinds have been swirling around her, including an extra-marital affair. The liberal press even pushed for her to drop out. It seemed that McCain’s “hail Mary” pass was doomed to failure. But it was not.

The gun-toting, moose-hunting, pretty mother of five presented herself to the nation on Sept. 3 at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, with a resounding speech that was even praised by her critics as a masterpiece.

She eviscerated Obama as deftly as she would have skinned a deer.

"There are people who use ‘change’ to promote their careers; and there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote ‘change,’” she said.

Describing herself as a “hockey mom,” she said: “The difference between a hockey mom and pitbull is lipstick.”

The audience cheered and roared madly at this pitbull wearing lipstick.

Obama is understandable angry. From the onset of his campaign 18 months ago, he has defined himself as the agent of change and made change the issue of the election. Now, by a sudden political sleight of hand, the target of Obama’s change is becoming the champion of change.

"You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called ‘change,’ but it’s going to stink after eight years," Obama fumed while campaigning in Virginia.

It’s interesting to see whether Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” would work wonders as the “lipstick on a pitbull” did for McCain.

Whatever the result, the U.S. election this year is weird, but funny. It’s too bad that Obama did not choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate. Otherwise we would be treated to a really exciting show — “duel in the snow” — between a female Rocky and a pitbull… both wearing lipstick.


Anonymous said...

Both Obama & Clinton presidency will be historic to the US, but unfortunately only one will continue.

Though I am a Hillary fan & think that Hillary is the more experienced one, but I think
Obama's choice of Biden & not Clinton is a wise decision in the side of Obama.
Obama did not put himself first in chosing Biden. Democrats surely will be the strongest team if the ticket is Obama-Clinton. But Obama did not selected this team although this is a sure win because he thinks this is not good for governing the country.

Obama is knowledgable in the economy & global warming, but not that experienced in foreign policies. Clinton is even better than Obama in economy but lack experience also in foreign policies.

So, to run the country, there are three basic subjects the candidate should tackle, economy, global warming & foreign policies, and by selecting Biden they can handle both the 3 basic issues plus Biden can surely fill up the position of being US president incase something happened to the president.

By not selecting Clinton does not mean Obama hates Clinton & the women, but he thinks it is for the good of America & even Clinton acknowledge that.

Back to the topic, re-Palin.

When Palin was introduced first to the Republican team. There was excitement to the team, and even they equalize Obama in the polls. Because they think, McCain did what Obama did not do.

That's right, he did what Obama did not do, and that is to select somebody that will give him the win to the whitehouse & not that will share with him the issues of economy, global warming, foreign policies & will surely fit in governing America & commanding the US Generals in the event something happened to McCain.

Now, slowly, Palin shows so many bloopers. Even simple questions regarding foreign policies that even some highschoool students can answer, she doesnt know, & even one respected conservative journalist suggested that she should step down for the good of America.

That's for sure. Palin is a very good mom. But running the country is different. There are so many good moms all around america, definitely inside Republicans that are capable of economic & foreign policy issues. But McCain's selection of his runningmate is not based on these things, if you watched the VP debate, even Palin suggested that she doesn't have any idea of global warming which is one of the important issues of today.

McCain's selection of Palin is based on her ability to excite the women, the moms(Hockey moms}, the six-pack joes, inorder to win the white house.

Angry American said...

First of all, I have to make it clear that I don't know that much about Palin, so I can't speak about her performance as governer. However, as far as her debate against Obama? I think it was a disgusting display of imcompitentcy and unprofessionalism.

The woman was asked a question and her response was "I'll get back to you...". WTF is that? It's a debate sweetie, aren't you supposed to STUDY for those? Espessially on national tv? For the office of vice president of the United States???

I knew kids in high school who were always more prepaired than her for god's sake!!! And, what about the wink? WTF is up with that??? Did she really think she was going to impress ANYBODY with a wink?

Of all the candidates who have ever been in a debate for the vice presidency of the United States, she, of all people, needed to act more profesional than that. She is the first female candidate who has EVER had a real shot at becoming the US V.P. WTF were you thinking Palin??? It wasn't a beauty pagent, sweetie. So, get over yourself!!!

I have some advice for her...she should either take some debate classes, along with classes on everything she'll need to know to run this country, or she should TAKE A HIKE!!!

I don't give a flying !!!F**K!!! if she's a good mommy, or good looking, or was a good basketball player, or can shoot a defenseless animal who has no f**king clue what a rifle is.

WTF does any of that have to do with running a country? The reality is, if she gets into office, and McCain were to be put out of commision (hopefully not because of death), she will be about as usefull to us as a gold fish in a pond full of sharks.

In fact, they might as well replace her with a chimp. Because, she won't be running the white house, her advisors will.

I never really thought much of her being our V.P. in the first place. But, she totally lost my confidence by being a lame a** excuse of a debate opponent for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Foremost, what the hell did McCain and party were thinking when they chose her, a national and international laughing stock. America is in the brink of economic collapse , midst of war efforts and losing the respect and power globally less to play this Republican joke.

I wouldn't even dare to insult the intellect of Hilary Clinton by the likes of Palin. It reminds me of Junior's early years at the White house when he used to amuse the world of his idiotic commentaries and ignorance.

It keeps me wonder though, of Nostradamus and Jeanne Dixon prediction that there will be a woman American president in the future. These two had already revealed events that were materialized and came true. If McCain takes the White house and in the event of his incapabality (serious illnes,death) then its Palin's shot, I can't imagine!

I have no more words for Palin, its clearly written and express in every corner, the media and opponents did their research intensely...snd definitely she's a big insult to politics and to the American people.

ps..there are always lipsticks in the presence of men, in every man's failure and success lipstick is always behind.

Anonymous said...

Democrat leaders wanted to vanish the shadow of the Clintons for the White house position, reason why Hilary was not chosen as running mate. She rose to the senate with most of her party Gurus shoulder shruggings.

If not of his sex scandal, Bill Clinton was about to bound in American history as one of the best president in line of those past great but he was short luck because of his smeared personal conduct.

Anonymous said...

The toughest election in modern American history where race, white supermacist ideologies and anti-semetis issues are taking place, to add on top, the economic turndown, (the debt is now accumalating to more than 10 trillion), the seems so endless Iraq war tags and the negativity of world opinions....this is how America on the 20th century be regarded in tomorrow's history .

Anonymous said...

correction: white supremacist

Anonymous said...

Quote from Amna: "It keeps me wonder though, of Nostradamus and Jeanne Dixon prediction that there will be a woman American president in the future."

Hi Amna, Really. This is predicted. Tsk tsk, that means there is a big possibility that Palin is the one.

For me, it's no problem that a woman will become president of America. It's time for America to accept that all men including women are created equal. Racism & Sexism should be ended. Actually, the candidacy of Hillary & Obama is the first step to end racism & sexism, but unfortunately only one of them will represent the ticket.

Anyway, although we accept that women can equally run for president like men, but, the woman that will run for the highest office should see to it also that she is capable of economic issues, foreign policies & can command the US Generals in the event of conflicts around the world.

Definitely there are lots of American women who can do these tasks, the likes of Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi & other top notch Republican women.

Nice try for McCain, but his selection for VP is just for his personal gain.

Anonymous said...

Hi to you my dear friend Kurimaw.

Yes, there was prediction and the first Asian female president was also foretold and it did happened.

Nostradamus (Notredame) was a 15th century French astrologer/prophet/healer who's prophecies were more emphasized on the 20th and 21st century. All of his prophecies were in cryptics for the fear of persecution and had been deciphered, no names and place but only major events that's taking place, some of them were; the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte,man landing on the moon, bombing of Hiroshima, all the world wars, JFK assassination and many to mention. It was said that WTC had been included but with many disputes for the encoding. Jeane Dixon was a 19th century American astrologer/psychic.

Of course not everybody believes in them but for me its worth note taking.

Whether this prediction will come true or not, who knows.. if it is, lets just hope not this time of Palin. There are so many great and intelligent American women out there worthy enough to rise and take their places in the world once dominated by men.

The election is gearing up to its ugliness where once a principled and admired candidate started inciting racial issues in defense of losing. Obama is leading in every polls but we cannot rely on polls alone it may have a twisted outcomes, it's very important to take into consideration that McCain heavily criticized author of Bush doctrines is his campaign advicer,Karl Rove, the very same person who made and placed Bush in the White house.

The actual counting of ballots is a must to watch and to wait rather than polls. But according to our American friends here they meant nothing anymore, the numbers might not be even looked at. We thought election tampering and fraud practice happens only in third world like ours and sadly, a great nation like America is no exemption.

The world is fast changing, history is shifting its course and whatever future may hold for the world and humanities, is beyond anybody's and any nation's control, but by Him above all...

Anonymous said...

Kurimaw, i went back and read your latest comments again and have thought about've got it, Obama and Clinton ticket could have put an end to racism and sexism issues, but this time the issue was not given of weight due to the looming economic crisis and war, most of all the personal vindictiveness inside the party itself. Democratic leaderships don't want to bring back the Clinton era once again at the White House.

America's segregation had been long abolished but racism is still out there, unfortunate for Obama's quest for the White House.
One thing is noticeable, he's the darling of the media and internationally favoured. We even had mini polls here in our country conducted by the media ,if Obama would run here as prime minister,..results..a landslide victory for him.

Really, an excellent thought my friend..